You already know my business partner Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, one of the largest online communities on personal excellence.
He made this quick 11-minute video on a simple exercise that made his goals come through. Once he did this, he went on to create the massive movement Mindvalley is today.
It’s inspiring. I want you to watch it here.
I am sending this email to you from Barcelona, Spain, where we have moved about 300 individuals from across the world. We are spending an entire month in here learning and growing ourselves.
This vision started when he did this exercise.
Love. Ajit
Ajit Nawalkha
Co-Founder, Evercoach
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PS: Here are a few pictures of the event. It’s inspiring and simply amazing to be with such an incredible tribe.
Watch this video and get started with defining your life even more clearly.